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Question Number: 273

Specific techniques for systematically gathering data are referred to as:Answer Question 22 out of 2 pointsRandom sampling refers to:Answer Question 32 out of 2 pointsA researcher finds that as years spent driving increases, the number of accidents decreases. This is an example of:Answer Question 42 out of 2 points_____ reasoning starts from specific data and tries to identify larger patterns from which to derive more general theories.Answer Question 52 out of 2 pointsA variable is defined as:Answer Question 60 out of 2 pointsA researcher finds that as income increases, square footage of respondent’s home also increases. This is an example of:Answer Question 72 out of 2 pointsA characteristic of results that systematically misrepresent the full dimensions of what is being studied is referred to as:Answer Question 82 out of 2 pointsA _____ relationship is one in which one variable is the cause of another variable.Answer Question 92 out of 2 pointsWhich of the following would be considered an American value?Answer Question 102 out of 2 pointsA culture that exists together with a dominant culture but differs from it in some important respects is referred to as:Answer Question 112 out of 2 pointsCommon rules of a culture that govern the behavior of people belonging to it are referred to as:Answer Question 122 out of 2 pointsThe beliefs, norms, behaviors, and products common to the members of a particular group are referred to as:Answer Question 132 out of 2 pointsParticular ideas that people accept as true are referred to as:Answer Question 142 out of 2 pointsThe contradiction between the goals of ideal culture and the practices of real culture is referred to as:Answer Question 152 out of 2 pointsThe ability of a local culture to absorb outside influences that fit in and enrich their culture while resisting those that are alien is known as:Answer Question 162 out of 2 pointsThe abstract creations of human cultures, including ideas about behavior and living, are referred to as:

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