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Question Number: 94

Question descriptionCreate a database with two tables in Microsoft Access.Each table should be connected via a foreign key.Each table should have a minimum of six fields (to include text and numerical - integer/decimal).You will then produce a report displaying records that satisfy two separate criteria and you will also create two calculated fields (could be the average of the values or an increase in a value, say 12%).You need to use headings other than the field names for the report.All relevant fields should be on the report.Submission:You need to submit the code to:Create the database (including the field definitions)Insert (minimum of) 6 records into each table.Select the report (with calculated fields).Test your code with any of the online SQL engines.Grading criteria:The database needs to make sense (do not have silly fields)The SQL should run without error and a readable report should be produced.https://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_sql_online....https://www.jdoodle.com/execute-sql-online

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